You can register by clicking on My account, then “Sign Up” link at the top right corner of the homepage. Please provide the information in the form that appears. You can review the terms and conditions and submit the registration information.
No. Registration on is absolutely free.

You can search and add products to the cart without registration, but only registered shoppers will be able to checkout and place orders. Registered members have to be logged in at the time of checking out the cart, they will be prompted to do so if they are not logged in.

Each email address and phone number can be associated with one Sell connect Uganda account only.

Each email address and phone number can be associated with one Sell connect Ug account only.


Most of our listed products can be delivered within 2 to 4hrs once ordered before 12pm. Orders Received on Saturdays/Public Holidays will be delivered on the next working day. Incase of any unavoidable delay, you will receive a message and or a phone call informing you on when it will be delivered.
Once you have placed your order you will not be able to make modifications. We would however advise you to place a new order for your shopping activities.
No, you can only order products which are in stock. We try to ensure availability of all products on our website however due to supply chain issues sometimes this is not possible.
The status of the order can be tracked by going to the “My Orders” option and selecting “Track Order” which will show you the status.
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